Above -Down-Inside -Out

Above -Down-Inside -Out

Spiritual Designs

ADIO is an acronym that expresses a spiritual philosophical concept. The letters stand for Above -Down-Inside -Out. In its simplest definition, it represents the idea that:

Humans have embraced something greater than themselves throughout history. People have found God/Spirit/Force in the sun, moon and stars, in nature with animals, and in other totems that were looked upon as gods or powerful essences that brought spiritual meaning to their lives. As humans evolved, ancient convictions led to a more focused view of a God in a singular form. It was through prophets, and their scriptures, traditions, and writings that our current major religious beliefs were formed:

There are many other spiritual communities with varying philosophies and rituals, but most only have a single God. There are many other people that do not participate in organized religions yet still feel a conscious connection to some type of spirit or force in this universe that we inhabit.

As individuals, we all perceive things through different lenses; even in the smallest of groupings, our views and ideas vary widely. This is also true in the case of religion. In Christianity, some main examples are Catholic, Protestant, Lutheran, and Episcopalian. Judaism encompasses variations such as Conservative, Reform and Orthodox Jews. Islam includes the sects of Sunni, Shi-ah as well as other minor sects. Hinduism, which is the oldest known religion, has a variety of sects and traditions. Outside of these traditional religions, there is also a wide variety of spiritual beliefs and practices.

The ADIO philosophy simply acknowledges that God/Spirit/Force has manifested itself to different people in varied ways throughout history, relevant to the events in their lives at that time. We do not question the methods but respect the message and the importance of each of these beliefs, traditions, writing and cultures.

ADIO recognizes, for example, that each Christian believes in Jesus as the Son and God as the Father. We understand the theological differences; however, at its essence, followers believe in one God. When they accept that God into their hearts and souls, they are empowered to use that energy in the expression of their lives, through their works, thoughts, deeds, and relationships. Although there may be many differences, they are united in one common belief.

This is also true with Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, or any other spiritual belief system. ADIO respects each culture, history, traditions, and beliefs, as deemed by what God/Spirit/Force chose for each. We understand that by adhering to one’s own specific tenets chosen by God/Spirit/Force and accepting those beliefs, each follower receives that energy and grace and shares it with others in multiple individual ways. That is ADIO in its simplest form.

It is understood that the basic teachings of all these faiths and belief systems adhere to similar universal moral and theological tenets. These values encompass respecting others’ lives, well-being and property, and honoring God and family, both past and present. The essence of these values established through common faith and community encouraged the function of a successful society.

Disclaimer: This is not a religion. We do not seek donations or funding. Merchandise will be available to purchase for the purpose of sharing this message. A portion of any profits will be donated to worthy causes and inclusive of all faiths.